Wash Dishes, Sweep Floors: Housework as Meditation

You may have heard about the health benefits of staying in the moment. Here’s how to de-stress through housekeeping

Simply put, mindfulness is the act of maintaining awareness of the present moment, without judgment. The concept may be a straightforward one, but it can be surprisingly challenging to implement. In the course of even five minutes, you may be pulled away dozens of times into thoughts about the past or the future. A mindfulness practice asks you to notice each time this happens and to gently and persistently call yourself back to the here and now. It’s worth the effort. Research suggests that mindfulness can reduce stress, boost the immune system, increase empathy and improve memory and attention, among other benefits.

If you want to take advantage of the far-reaching benefits of mindfulness but haven’t found the time to start working it into your day, consider using a task you already perform as an informal meditation. You already have to get certain things done, so why not practice enjoying them for their own sake rather than rushing to get them over with or worrying about something that happened yesterday? To get started, pick just one chore to practice with. Start small and build up to doing more.