Happy Father’s Day
Houzz Call: How Did Your Dad Shape Your Idea of Home? For Father’s Day, share a memory of how your dad or stepdad taught you about the joy and hard work of maintaining a home. Houzz Call: How Did Your Dad Shape Your Idea of Home?
Houzz Call: How Did Your Dad Shape Your Idea of Home? For Father’s Day, share a memory of how your dad or stepdad taught you about the joy and hard work of maintaining a home. Houzz Call: How Did Your Dad Shape Your Idea of Home?
“Ceremonies are important. But our gratitude has to be more than visits to the troops, and once-a-year Memorial Day ceremonies. We honor the dead best by treating the living well.” ~ Jennifer Granholm
For Mother’s Day, Treat Yourself to a Spa Day at Home
This is an idea for Beltane or anytime you want to relax and treat yourself to a bit of herbal bath bliss. Let a soothing herbal bath soak your worries away. Simple plastic pots fit neatly into a wire rack next to the tub. Bubble-shaped glass beads or stones prevent soil splatters when watering. Toss…
10 Ways to Bring Earth Day Home Try out these ideas for reducing your carbon footprint and celebrating planet Earth all year 10 Ways to Bring Earth Day Home